( 16' x 24' ) it should have been BIGGER. oh well. The flag on the front is made from a section of fence I found along my travels. It was already painted red so I just did the white and blue. And the stars?? Here I am trying to be very patriotic and get 50 on there. I know what your thinking No way.Well along came my darling wife and suggested that I do some funky stars like the xmas one's I make. Oops we'll talk about those later!
Well this is 1 of my projects.I Got this idea from a gentleman along rt 104. He said if I built them I could place them on his site to sell and he would only take 30%. NOT!
It's a fire wood storage shed. Salt box design 4'D x 8' L x 6' L should hold a little more than a cord.
Also by putting in a floor ( 1 sheet of plywood ) It could be a cute little bus stop for the kiddos.
( the white paper is covering my name & number. )