YES this is a real street sign in town. As you can see they have welded this one in a frame to the post
and set the post into extra concrete. ( it keeps getting stolen.)
the next pictures should be together and in a different order.
yup I'm still learning. my wife says that over time I am trainable.
This is the seat board to the swing I made,
the bricks were already there and there was a small seat at the end.
there is an old set of fire boots to the left that my wife puts plants in.
This is a pic of the swing. We hope Miss B enjoys it as much as we do.
This is one of the ( 6 ) bureaus that I have and is complete and off to
market. A consignment shop called Boomerangs located in Ply. NH.
Making color choices and selecting hardware are the most difficult part.
Of course I chose from what paint I have in stock or I can purchase on the oops rack @ Lowe,s or other stores lol. I have three boxes of hardware (pictures to follow) that I dig through to find what looks good and that is based on if I have the right amount. tough job.
This is IT the sign that is mounted over the swing. Imagine finding this in the scrap metal pine @
da dump. Also it had to do with WINE love it. Well out came a cheap can of black spay paint, n tada.
As you can see I removed the sign part so that I could mount the vine the frame of the swing.
Frame is rough saw 2x6 w/ coat of flat black. to hold the seat up I used good old rope 3/4" diameter for support . Looks pretty good huh. My wifes idea, she had one growin up I went to the pine's playground to swing.
Well its that time again we I must go. Happy woodworking, have fun,
and keep those saws sharp. DFD